Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twenty-two random pictures!

4-H "Garage sale"
Helping Joel sell his hay... nope, it didn't work!
4-H banquet
"Bosque Arts Center"
The performers
The fair!
Please buy my stupid lamb!!!
This is fun...

He's sold!!! YYAAAYYY!
Leadership lab. Eak just got my braces on! :/
4-H Banquet
4-H  Banquet

Aaaand again, 4-H banquet
4-H banquet

Awww, beanie:)

Gotta love 'im :) (heh courtney)
The Mcmahans going away party! (I'm thinking we might have another one of those this year;) heh
Easter 2010
Oh yeah!


  1. Wow... I'm currently making a list of t-shirts I should NEVER wear again!!! I look awful!!! Haha the rest are so cute though!!! Love the one of Bennett and Mama G, so sweet :) You have such great pics!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your shirts look fine?!?!
      I know<3 love Beanie!

  2. ok, i HATE the one of us on the hammok, I look awefull!!!! note to self, never wear sunglasses on your head again!! and btw you have the pic of you and your dance partner twice...... there's not a single good picture of me in there.... that's so sad..... lol i'm with amny, i'm making a list of clothes and facial expressions that i'm never using again!!!! lol
