Monday, April 23, 2012

He is the anchor for my soul...

I went shopping with Courtney this weekend!
And got some epic customized Toms! :D
On them, I had written, "He is the" (anchor)
"for my soul"
"He is the" (anchor) "for my soul"
And I wrote it on the bottom too:) heh


  1. I'm gonna kill you and steal your shoes ;P I've been wanting a pair of these so bad! They are PERFECT for you!!!! Totally awesome!

    1. You should get some! They are the MOST comfortable hippie shoes ever;)

    2. Amnyeth! I thinketh weeth haveeth beeneth doingeth iteth wrongeth!!!
      you CRACKED me up! bahahahaa

    3. Hahahaeth!!!! I totallyeth justeth thoughteth ofeth thateth againeth wheneth heeth saideth thateth!
      Perfecteth momenteth!!!

    4. Yepeth! Thateth waseth epiceth!
      I stilleth haveeth thateth noteeth thateth youeth wroteeth oneth aeth post-iteth noteeth ineth myeth ipodeth caseeth thateth sayseth "I loveth youeth"
      hahahaeth! ;)

    5. Hahahaeth thateth iseth hilariouseth!!!!!

  2. UGH!!!! I'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT THEM! I would steal them if they were my size!!!!!! I LOVE toms! Like you said, they are the most comfortable shoes ever, hippie or not! :)
    They are so freakin' adorable! I love them! I am coveting your shoes, Mattie. You are making me sin..... ;)

    1. Oh, you sinner! I am holier than thou art!! ;)

  3. cute! They would look awful on me, but they're adorable on you! I like them! :D They do look comfy... Ok--just twisted a quote to make it hillarious for this situation! ---"i'll get you my pretty, and your little blue shoes tooo! hehehehehe" lol cute shoes bobb!! :D
