Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day five in Colorado!! ~Mom's birthday!!

Happy Birthday! :D There goes Danny and his flowers again ;)

Haha! Amny, Dad was telling Aunt Lela about how he has to pay for your therapy, because he did it to Girlfriend Mary and has pay for her therapy too :P haha
She gave me a bite of her cookie <3 I knew I liked her for a reason ;) 

All the girls went to eat at Einstein Bagels for mom's B-day!
They look soo much alike :)

Diggen for gold I see!
Aviepoo2 and the cousins:)

Dad and Unlce Mike came to crash the girl party for mom :) haha
o.O Darn Good!

Aww, I get a kiss :)

Starbucks :)

The seeeesters :)
Em: I'm used to it
Court: DO. NOT. lick me!!

The girls minus Aunt Laura and Avie
Mommy and her girls:)

Oh gosh... Coffee was a bad idea for courtney! She was *in a whisper* hyper!! ^-^

Here's all the girls! :)

Farmers Market with the mountains behind us!!

Not exactly sure of the significance of this picture :P

Oh yeah! Cutey right there :P

All the happy birthday presents for Auntie :)
Haha, she found chalk ;)

Well, I guess it runs in the family :P

Mom and her sis and daughter :)

This arm... I don't want it there. *lick* thank you :)

On top of the mountain :)
Auntie Lela, Uncle Dave, and Mom :)

How cute! Uncle Mike and Auntie Lela

The three stooges! :P Danny, Avie, and Obi!
Cute family pic :)

Love the mountains behind me :)

Gar is a good babysitter :)
Haha, cute!

I like this one :) (The pic and the little dude) :D

I love the look on her face!!

Cute :)

Mom turned 51 :P

We took the open lift down!  A lot less hot :P

Rockin at Jenga!!

Oh yeah! I did it :P

I did it!!!
Oh... never mind.. -_-

Em did it again :P

Oh yeah!! Pick on someone your own size :P

Haha! Mohawk bug :P
Haha, more surprises! :D

Mom's cake :)

Haha, cute :)

The Fam :)

Haha! Courtney :P
Bennett's gift from Tunisia!

Ow mom that hurts!

Haha. Aunt Lelas idea, give mom a bunch of nasty cereal bars :P
Oh yeah!!

Hot tubbin!
Look who joined us :)


  1. Your dad owes a lot of people therapy haha :)

    1. Haha! I know! That explains my face right there!!!
      Oh no! Another one?!! haha pooor girl! :P heh
